
Governance System

The Corporate Governance model adopted by the Safilo Group aims to ensure transparent and responsible corporate interventions, significantly contributing to mid- and long-term value creation in compliance with the Code of Conduct for Listed Companies issued by the Corporate Governance Committee.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has the power to define the Company and the Group’s strategic and control guidelines. It therefore plays an essential role in corporate governance. In addition to the powers conferred by law and by the Articles of Association, the Board has exclusive authority over key financial, strategic and management decisions, such as functional decisions in order to monitor and guide the Company.

Shareholders’ Meeting

The Shareholders’ Meeting is the body which, according to the law, has the exclusive right to resolve on issues such as, among others: appointment of the Board of Directors, the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Independent Auditors, approval of the financial statements, amendments to the Articles of Association and capital increases.

Business Ethics

The ‘Worldwide Business Conduct Manual - The Safilo Way’ translates the Group’s governance principles into standards of business conduct that guide the Group’s day-to-day actions and decisions internally and with customers, licensing partners, authorities and stakeholders. The Safilo Way also establishes global reference standards that are applied in each country.


Katia Buja

Katia Buja

Global Head Corporate & Legal Affairs