Articles of Association and corporate documents

Articles of association

This is the deed that defines the Company's corporate object, the rules of appointment and the functioning of the corporate bodies.

Articles of Association as at June 26, 2024 with amendments

Articles of Association as at June 26, 2024

Corporate Governance Report

The Corporate Governance report provides detailed information on the Company, its governance structure, ownership, internal control and risk management systems, and all other relevant information about compliance with the Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies.

Corporate Governance Report 2023

2023 Report on Corporate Governance

Diversity Policy Board of Directors

The Policy describes the Board of Directors’ composition features deemed optimal for allowing it to perform its duties in the most efficient way, taking decisions which may benefit from the contribution of a variety of qualified views.

Diversity Policy of the Board of Directors

Diversity Policy Board of Statutory Auditors

The Policy describes the Board of Statutory Auditors’ composition features deemed optimal for allowing it to discharge its supervisory tasks in the most effective way, taking decisions which may benefit from the contribution of a variety of qualified views.

Diversity Policy of the Board of Statutory Auditors

Management and Dissemination of Inside Information

The Procedure contains rules about the internal management of relevant and/or inside information and the disclosure to the public of inside information, as well as about the creation and management of the List of persons having access to Inside Information.

Procedure for the Management and Dissemination of Inside Information

Transactions with Related Parties

This Regulation sets out the principles to which Safilo abides in order to ensure transparency and substantial and procedural fairness of related parties transactions entered into by Safilo directly or through any of its subsidiaries.

Regulation for transactions with Related Parties

Policy for the management of the dialogue with the generality of the investors

The Policy formalizes the Company’s approach to the management of dialogue with the Investors, pursuing the objective of raising the level of transparency and dialogue between the Investors and the Company, in the belief that the definition, development and maintenance of open, transparent and continuous forms of dialogue with the generality of the Investors and with the market brings significant benefits to both investors and issuers, with a view to promoting the creation of value in the medium-long term.

Policy for the management of the dialogue with the generality of the investors